Jan 22Liked by Rachel Hurd-Wood

Hello! I’d personally be super interested in seeing your creative writing processes, especially as a film student currently hoping (praying) to pursue screenwriting, and who struggles with massive mental block when it comes to starting/finishing pieces of writing. (But also just as a general note, I absolutely love reading your Substack posts, so, thank you for writing them!)

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Thanks Tombo! Good to know! I am just drafting next week's post on exactly this, inspired by your message :) It's so cool that you're looking to pursue screenwriting. More than happy to chat mental blocks etc any time. Btw, if you ever need a pair of eyes on your work... I'm here! :)

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Oh my goodness, thank you so much! That would be beyond amazing!

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Jan 22Liked by Rachel Hurd-Wood

Everything you write is interesting and I love to hear what you’ve been up to and your unique perspective on things. I’d be more interested in the recovery and creative writing side of things if I had to choose 😘

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Love your writing and take on the creative process and motherhood. I’m also interested in hearing about lifestyle stuff - the where people live and why... the routines that sort of stuff - I find it soothing! ✨

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Thanks Claire, I’ll be sure to include some more lifestyle stuff in coming posts. Stay tuned for existential dread kept at bay via downward facing dogs & bi-annual green smoothies x

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Jan 19Liked by Rachel Hurd-Wood

Thank you for sharing that, Rachel 😊 you really are a woman of many talents 👏 I would like to read stuff regarding creative writing and wellness 🙏 love you 🥰❤️❤️

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Thanks Tom! I’ll be sure to talk more on those topics :)

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Hey there. I have enjoyed all of your writing so far. I can relate to a few and have, at least, a mild amount of interest in all of the 4 subjects you mentioned.

Motherhood is such a journey, my kids are relatively similar ages to you two, so that's of interest to me.

Writing is also something I'd love to read about. How your creative process goes, the journey your writing has taken you on, and all the way through publishing and mental blocks, etc.

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Thank you so much Sarah. I'm glad that my words have resonated – especially since our kids are similarly aged. It's a big challenge, isn't it!? I will cover some of the writing-based stuff in next week's post :) hope you have a lovely weekend ahead xxx

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You’re simply the best and I love reading all of it. Recovery and wellness and motherhood are aaallllll interesting topics

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Riley ILY and thank you. Will top up on those topics xxx

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I enjoy what you write . I thought it was really intestering to read your thoughts om recovery and motherhood . I look forward to read your book

Do you read books as well ?

Maybe if you do you can share some reviews

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Thanks, Lucy! I’ve not been reading enough outside of substack articles tbh... need to get back into the habit ! I’ve been binge watching ‘Couples Therapy’ - have you seen it!? X

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